Friday, December 15, 2006

I am...

I get a scrapbook magazine by accident and while I read it and think how Betsy (my super scrapbooking sister) could improve on the layouts. I was struck by one that had a simple picture and then a whole bunch of journaling of I am statements. I have seen other things like this…Amy had one for grandma at Thanksgiving. Jim has one on his pitiful not kept up blog (kidding, its ok Jim). So after yesterday’s bit of vision I decided to write my own. And of course, it is ever changing and growing list....

I am passionate.

I am a woman and therefore a daughter, sister, mother-like.

I am outgoing.

I am scheduled.

I am a baker.

I am scared to fail.

I am a teacher and a learner.

I am a sour patch kid addict.

I am a believer.

I am a prophet.

I am loyal.

I am real with people, sometimes too real.

I am a hard worker.

I am a pastor.

I am kind.

I am independent.

I am a hugger.

I am trying to be healthy.

I am working to end racism and classism.

I am salmon, portabello mushrooms, and pesto.

I am a hard worker.

I am a friend.

I am one of those people who loves what she does each day.

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