Sunday, December 2, 2012

What I am grateful for in 2012?

I am going to try to work each day of December on the list of blog prompts put together by Callie and Dana.  Here is December 1st.

When were you most grateful?

I spend a lot of time bragging about my church in general.  My most grateful moment was something that my faith community did proving once again how great this community really is.

 My most grateful moment was my surprised-by-my-church baby shower.

I am not a huge fan of baby showers – I love celebrating life – but the format really isn’t my style.  So, I am surprised that this was my most grateful moment.  I was really in shock when it happened.  DOOR work in the summer has me at church each day in the summer for 12 hours a week – so I remember Jim pulling up in front of the church (after a morning of thrifting, my favorite) and saying he needed to run in for something and I should come with him.  I said, “Nope, I will sit here in the car – this is my day off and I will just start working if I go.”  He became pretty insistent, and finally I said, “Is this a shower?”  He said “Yes” in such a way that I didn’t really believe him but went in…and sure enough – my entire church family was there. 

During the afternoon I learned that the reason that Jim had felt passionate about doing a registry so soon was this shower, found out my assistant director and I’s conversation about cake a week before hadn’t been just because I loved cake, and found out that the entire DOOR group the week before knew and kept it a secret!  The games planned were lovely and I enjoyed myself greatly.  However, the reason why it is my most grateful moment is because of something Sister Mattie said in the opening prayer…

“We pray for this child, as they are being born to Krista and Jim but more importantly into our faith family.”
I, we were about to take on the most important task of our life – parenting - and WE WERE NOT ALONE, for that I am grateful.

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