Saturday, February 9, 2008

February ponderings

Several things I am pondering....

Lately, in the last week or so I have been wondering about what a normal job would look like for me. What would I do if I left DOOR? Wouldn't it be nice to have a 9-5? I probably would hate it, but I have been thinking about it...anyways I was reading a favorite blog of mine Bridget Jones goes to Seminary, and this paragraph made me think:

I remember a more conservative time in my life when I assumed that women preachers were all New-Age goddess-worshippers who cut up Scripture to their own liking. That's another story I'm timidly struggling against. But, within the past week, I've had professors, collegues and long-ago friends remind me that resisting the church's dominent narrative is still a hand-slappable offense. Somedays I have the gumption to keep on keeping on. Other days, I'm just tired.
And on those days,I secretly suspect God just made me wrong.
And on those days, being the person God has called me to be, following hard after God's will seem like so much work compared to the tidy little story God's people want to cram me into.
And on those days, I just wish I was one of those lucky few women who naturally fit into the story of the Christian feminine mystique.

I think this is how I am - sometimes it would just be easier to fit the normal woman stereotype, a normal just go to church Christian, don't care about social justice as radically as I do, have the weird commitments I do - maybe that is why I crave being normal, even though I would hate it.


This morning Nadia and I went to the Chocolate Festival got lots of free chocolate and ice cream and learned about chocolate. Then we went to Whole Foods, and I fell in love with their recycled bags, they are fun and huge - take a look here. I also got a cool Whole Foods reusable water bottle.


I am leaving for LA in several hours for work - and I have never been to California so I am quite excited.


We received in the mail today our valentine T shirts - see them here. We will post a picture of us with them after Valentine's Day. They are Jim's idea - geek love, gotta love it.

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