On Sunday, I was given an article about a new movement of Christian men out of the Chicago Tribune by my friend Grady. Thanks, Grady.
After being told by at least two people that I would be piping mad after reading it, I was surprised that I wasn't. Well, not really. One of the many points is that Christians have watered down Jesus to a non-rugged guy, one that is actually pretty feminine. OK, I think that feminine doesn't mean not strong and tough - however, I do think that we as a whole Church forget the powerful radical that Jesus was as a human. So, I can't get mad at anyone (men, women, or anyone else) trying to get back to that root.
Now, I think that this movement (Godmen) do take it to an extreme. For instance, the article quotes a list of real man's rules for his woman. WHAT? One of them is, "Number 1: Learn to work the toilet seat. You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down." You have got to be kidding?!? No man or woman should have rules for his or her spouse. Now, I am sure some of my married friends are going to tell me that this is my fantasy of marriage. I am also troubled by the "real man" or "real woman" imagery. This leads me to think about those folks who don't fit the stereotype or imagine are then "not real". No one is not real. NO ONE!
Plus, I just have to argue the whole toilet seat thing. As someone who has a guy hanging out in my apartment pretty often now, as long as it is my house and my house only - the seat should be in the position that I want it - and I want it down. So down it will be.
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