Wednesday, March 5, 2008

overheard on the bus

Yesterday, I got to take a tour entitled "The Sears Tower and its next door neighbor" offered by CAR. It was really neat and it helped me understand the next door neighbor better! The Sears Tower too but I know a lot about it.

I was going home yesterday from the tour and I was on the Harrison bus - which I like because it has a stop a 1/2 block from home. When riding by UIC, a stop at Morgan St had about 35 students at it and they all got on, making the already full bus packed. At the next stop, two people got off near me. Now, if a group had been with me I would have declared that they sit down allowing more room for others. However, in my nice naive voice said to those standing around me -

"Would you like to sit down?"
no response
a little louder "Would you like to sit down?"
no response
a little louder "Would you like to sit down?"
A older woman: If it isn't coming out of an ipod or a cell phone -they won't here it, hon!

I held in the laughter.

1 comment:

Alyzarin said...

When I ride the bus, I try to make it as clear as possible that I am not paying attention to anything anybody else is doing, so if I didn't know you I probably would have ignored you too. (Paying attention is a great way to get sucked into a conversation one genuinely does not want to have!) The more I read this blog, the more I realize that we have completely different responses to people we don't know. It's hard for some of us to imagine that someone else is genuinely trying to be nice without wanting anything in return.