Sunday, April 17, 2011

What is Your Five Year Plan?

If I had to document hours spent in March, I would label most of the hours as “vocational discernment.” Between a vocation discernment retreat, a discernment event, reading a book and meeting its author about vocation filled my days.

At DOOR, we float “vocational discernment” around a lot. We work with hundreds of college students and college grads who are asking these questions – What should I do? What am I called to do? What can I afford to do?

PBS’s Independent Lens
recently followed several folks on their journey to church leadership and the documentary that followed is entitled “The Calling”. This project also created as a way to share the journey of understanding one’s calling if in or out of church.

I appreciate how Joshua Stanton sees his call:
Watch video here.
Where are you on this journey?